About us

The Irish Forum for Global Health is an independent network of people from many backgrounds who are concerned with issues that impact on the health and development of populations at a global level, check but with a particular commitment to populations in low income countries.  Established in 2004, prostate with a membership of almost 500, medic it continues to welcome individuals interested in and committed to promoting global health related education, research and advocacy. In 2011, the Forum brings together a large number of like-minded people, coming from different organisational backgrounds and committed and working together for global health.

The Forum not only provides the opportunity for those in Ireland to link and develop opportunities with each other, but also provides the opportunity for international linkages. As a member-based Forum, it seeks to be inclusive and respond to the needs of its members by providing opportunities for learning and action in the areas of global health research, education and related policy and advocacy.


Membership is open to any individual who has an interest in global health, regardless of disciplinary background. The Forum aims to be relevant to academics, policy makers, field workers, advocacy groups and the general public.


We will:

  • facilitate communication between members
  • maintain a database of network members
  • develop a database of network members expertise
  • promote the forum and its activities to agencies with an interest in global health issues.
  • facilitate the formation of long-term links between education and research institutions in middle and low-income countries


We will:

  • identify current teaching and education needs on global health issues on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in health sciences
  • make recommendations for curriculum content
  • create a national network for global health education that will share curriculum development and teaching across institutions and provide a pool of teaching resources in the area of global health thus ensuring that national and international students are provided the opportunity to learn about the issues that impact on health globally


We will

  • connect people doing relevant research with individuals and organisations who can help them work more effectively
  • build a collaborative network of researchers interested in health research in middle and low-income countries
  • enable the development of research groups that address factors that impact on health globally, including within Ireland抯 multicultural society
  • focus on research that strengthens health systems in low and middle income countries.


We will:

  • provide a platform for debate on global health and development by hosting seminars that bring together field, academic and policy expertise
  • advocate for the inclusion of a global health perspective in government and civil society initiatives pertaining to health and welfare
  • encourage practitioners to consider health and welfare issues both in Ireland and abroad from a global health perspective
  • seek support for global health research and education
  • contribute to the evidence base on the best approaches to tackling health problems and delivering healthcare
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